Thursday, May 26, 2011


rest in peace :'(

Saturday, May 14, 2011

so big rain

haven't seriously updated my blog,
posts these two years were short,
albeit i have made puny attempts to resurrect my toufuuu,
turns out things failed :'(
so sad.
okie, serious blogposts after this exam.
nothing so kao kei le.
hohohoh :D

6th driving lesson;12th hour
the rain was pouring like shit
walau eh.
so glad i'm alive,
gor gor lagi glad he should go buy lottery open champagne and put fireworks
yeah i'm a safe driver!
jom i fetch you yam cha!! :D

i don't know what was i hiding for.i was so damn lucky.i don't know.Tears would just well without me knowing.i thought i'd be happy.but ends up i'm missing the times,missing her.

hell yeah i haven't played the piano for a while.

next week will be sunny :D

physics is a total bitch. :)

happy exams!!!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011


紅黃橙紫白綠啡 人人都可分一些
甜甜軟軟冰冰凍 從來不揀得獎者
那份甜 是否大富 它一般照顧
誰人亦可惠顧 它都不會 苦

沒有低 沒有高
這快樂味道 都可分享到

願我都 像雪糕
男共女與幼或老 少數及大路
暑天一到 統統有權吃到 這杯雪糕

從甜品推論人生 還原基本的身份
那份甜 是否大富 它一般照顧
誰人亦可惠顧 它都不會 苦

沒有低 沒有高
這快樂味道 都分享得到

願我都 像雪糕
人類各有各特性 沒同樣指模
不等於你 跟他不會照樣吃到 這杯雪糕

sharing is caring :)
sharing your food means dividing the carbs you might consume into half :)

reread my old posts,
i was quite active on updating my blog,
people do read,
rediscovered things i've once appreciated,
but now forgotten.
that's right!
teenagers, GROW UP! :)

and the friend did not leave me alone as i once said,
he was there all the time.minhou♥

Sunday, May 8, 2011

you're the best thing in my life

i've never knew things could be this hard
maybe i'm expecting something else
or maybe i need to be more patient
or maybe i should just shut up

together we'll be.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

just a thought of you will always be true

eighteenth year

emo colour wtf
but i couldn't write an emo post
lost of words.

things change
people change
even my dog changes

haven't been here since last year

i need more time

don't you love px? :)