Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Belated birthday bash :) *


thank you peiyee peiwen little little pin and little little win and cpx :)
having a band to play a birthday song
so touched ehhhhhh :')
even before you're departing.
nearly got me in tears

and jojochia, kheryin, wenhsin, hongkai,
and nearly chingloon,
 and little little min.
for the failed surprise :D
because of martin ngggggg!

starbucks from kheryinlim
superman from.. wtf i dunno who!!!!
food :D from vanessa

 and i ate the cookie after 2 months. O.O
from xiu xiu :D

duo ;) from samantha and leekherjia :)
and, minhou♥ily

happy 寿包 :D